NORTHBRIDGE . built under numac constructions
Welcome to our recently completed new build in Northbridge. Situated only minutes from the city centre this property boasts a whopping 930m2, which became our playground. Designed in collaboration with RMD Styling and Manolev Associates, this home is a robustly unique concrete sculptural form of art. The three levels are carefully arrayed across the site and opened up by the substantial size of the 7 meter high voids allowing the natural light to soak throughout. A rigorous and refined material palette of off-form concrete, timber, brass, natural stone and landscaping compliments the natural beauty of the home, and provides a backdrop for the stunning display of architectural lighting in the later hours of the day. Every space has its own unique feel and leaves you wondering what is going to be around the corner. The level of precise detail involved in not only the final finishing but the entire construction from the ground up was second to none and we are extremely proud of what our Numac team along with our clients have been able to achieve.